Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Movie #18 - Airplane!

Paramount Pictures
1980 - Rated PG - 1 hr 27 min
Directors: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker
Starring: Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty

Everyone loves this movie. For the longest time, this movie was eternally on television. Chances were, if you turned on the TV and flipped channels, it would pop up somewhere. What a testament to this classic's staying power !

I'll be honest and admit that I probably don't get every reference or joke, since this movie was made just before I was born. But there are few things that I don't find funny about it, and all the major references (i.e. John Travolta's disco dancing) still work. I had forgotten how late in the movie Leslie Nielson appears, but once he's on screen I basically don't stop laughing. This guy made literal humor an artform... "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." Classic.

Anyway, this was a great way to continue my light movie fare for the day and also lots of fun to revisit. I think it was probably the first time I'd watch this the whole way through in many years.

The end of shelf one is in sight! We're two-thirds of the way there!
Only 9 movies left to go after this... I can do it!