About The Wall

This is what we're dealing with, folks.
The Mike & Steph Movie Wall was officially founded in 2001, when we first combined our independent collections of movies... most of which were VHS tapes.  As our relationship and technology matured, that one rack of VHS tapes slowly grew into a behemoth collection of DVDs.  Movies, television shows, and even a few stragglers from that VHS collection are now the central focus of our living room, if not our home.

I'll admit that my husband is a bit of a movie fanatic... and this collection is kind of his baby.  He loves them all, I know he does. But some of those DVDs are still sealed in the original packaging - unwatched.  Sure, we've seen the  movie but not the copy of this movie that we own.  We "rent" our movies out to friends, which helps the Wall seem to have more of a philanthropic purpose... but have we watched everything ourselves? No.

That got me thinking... What's the point? Why do we own these movies if no one is watching them - especially us? That problem, my friends, is about to be rectified as I embark on a journey to climb the movie wall, watch every DVD - in alphabetical order - and all in one year's time.

Wish me luck!