Thursday, January 6, 2011

Movie #132 - Coraline

Focus Features
2009 - Rated PG - 1 hr 36 min
Director: Henry Selick
Starring: Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, John Hodgman, Jennifer Saunders

Neil Gaiman's writing + Creepy-looking cartoon characters = Awesomeness.

Sure, this is a kids' movie based on a kids' book, but it has all the delicious flavor of a Neil Gaiman story for adults. Suspense, intrigue, deception, betrayal.  Come to think of it, this is kind of a dark kids' movie.  Maybe it's more of an adult animated film that kids' will also like.  Huh.

Anyway, in this house, the adults both like it and the child isn't quite sure what to make of it yet (granted, she is only 10 months old).  I love the story, the concept of the wicked Other Mother and all her trickery, and of course, the talking cat who swoops in to help Coraline save the day.  The movie is great and fairly true to the book (which you should read if you haven't yet), something I always enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I do still need to read the book but this was a great movie. Harkens back to the kind of kids films that didn't need to be flashy light shows to bombard kids into a stupor. Bonus points for creepy.
