Thursday, January 6, 2011

Movie #131 - Cool Runnings

Cool Runnings
Walt Disney Pictures
1993 - Rated PG - 1 hr 38 min
Director: Jon Turteltaub
Starring: John Candy, Leon, Doug E. Doug

I barely remember Doug E. Doug for anything beyond this movie, particularly the scene where he's in the ice cream truck and he breaks one of his dredlocks in half. That still makes me laugh. And this movie is still fun to watch.

There's not much to say about this one.  It's a Disney family movie based on the true story of Jamaica's first bobsled team.  Right away, you're thinking, "Well, if that's not adversity, I don't know what is." And yes, they overcome the barriers and make it to the Olympics (Calgary '88). Not without their fair share of problems, though.

The cast is the best part about this movie and it's fun to watch these different personalities mesh into one speeding bobsled.  Plus John Candy, who was always great onscreen anyway.  Watch this movie and laugh or feel empowered or just flashback to the 80s.  It's good for all of the above.

1 comment:

  1. Still classic. Pride! Power! A bad-ass mutha who don't take no crap off of nobody!
