Thursday, January 6, 2011

Movie #125 - Collateral

Paramount Pictures
2004 - Rated R - 2 hr
Director: Michael Mann
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mark Ruffalo

This movie is weird. Intense, but weird.  An unsuspecting cab driver gets in over his head when he gives a ride to white-haired Tom Cruise, who's a total bad-ass criminal.  Look out!  And he wants to kill Jada Pinkett Smith, who Jamie Foxx (the cabbie) is mad crushing on, so that's bad news.

The premise is wild and full of lots of car-chase scenes and thrilling moments.  It's a pretty straight forward crime/drama/Tom Cruise movie.  Not a favorite of mine, but I don't have any specific complaints.  Everyone is great, Cruise is pretty bad-ass, Foxx is pretty in-over-his-head and innocent-bystander-y.  And Jada Pinkett Smith is all lawyer-like.  It's not bad, but it's not my cup of tea.

So intense, weird, need to be in the right mood to watch, but well acted. That's the best I can do with this one right now.

1 comment:

  1. It's 2/3rds of a great movie. **SPOILER ALERT** Once it's established that Cruise is going after Jada Pinkett-Smith and he was going to kill Jamie Foxx anyways it killed the dynamic of the movie.
