New Line Cinema
2008 - Rated PG-13 - 1 hr 42 min
Director: Michael Gondry
Starring: Jack Black, Mos Def, Danny Glover, Mia Farrow, Melonie Diaz
Alright, first of all, this movie is not as funny as the previews made it seem. True, the Ghostbusters filming and some of the other moments between this unlikely duo illicit a chuckle, but for the most part, I wasn't laughing.
That said, the movie's not bad. It's just different from what I expected it to be, and when that happens, it takes my brain a moment to go, "Oh, hey. I liked that in a different way than I thought I would." So I do like this, and it's heartwarming save-the-town, preserve-VHS-tapes message. It's fun to watch, for sure. But pretty calm for a Jack Black movie.
It's not one I'll watch over and over, but I liked it all the same. And even though the ending is a bit weird (it just kinda stops...), I'm glad they didn't try to keep going. Everything you need to see resolved is resolved. Good for them for just ending it where it needed... even if it's a bit awkward.
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