Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie #290 - I (Heart) Huckabee's

I (Heart) Huckabee's
2004 - Rated R - 1 hr 47 min
Director: David O. Russell
Starring: Jude Law, Jason Scwartzman, Naomi Watts, Mark Wahlberg, Dustin Hoffman, Lily Tomlin

What's the meaning of life? Why are we here? Are thing within the universe connected or arranged out of pure chaos? Does it matter what we do?

And can we achieve pure being by hitting ourselves in the face with a big red ball?

These are the questions that the characters of I Heart Huckabee's strive to answer.  The movie itself brings us web of characters who seem to be connected but may also be strewn hither and thither as a result of said chaos.  Can they really impact one another? Does it even matter if they do?

Yes, the movie's not great.  There are some funny bits here and there, plus the overall theme is one we can all relate to.  And Huckabee's style of business is a huge metaphor for the whys and hows explored in the movie.  It seems like a Hollywood attempt at philosophical thinking, if you choose to watch it that way.  Or you can just watch it as a weird movie filled with random actors who behave oddly.  I pick B.

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