Monday, January 3, 2011

Movie #117 - Cloverfield

Paramount Pictures
2008 - Rated R - 1 hr 25 min
Director: Matt Reeves
Starring: Mike Vogel, Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan

Blair Witch Project, meet Independence Day. If you two haven't met before, we think you'll have fun in this crazy 'documentary' about the end of the world, or New York City, as we know it.  So go nuts, okay?

Honestly, though, Cloverfield is a great flick in its own right.  It's pretty short, but doesn't make you feel like it's rushed.  Well, okay so the characters are pretty rushed most of the time... wouldn't you be? But the plot moves at a good pace, follows a logical path, and features an exploding person.  Do you want anything more from your sci-fi thrillers?

Didn't think so.

Also, what makes this movie so cool, is that teeny tiny moment at the very end.... did you see the ship fall into the ocean?

1 comment:

  1. I would have liked it much more if the camera work didn't make me motion sick.
