Sunday, October 3, 2010

Movie #6 - 21

Columbia Pictures
2008 - PG-13 - 2 hr 3 min
Director: Robert Lukatic
Starring: Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishbourne, Kevin Spacey

This DVD was another unopened one, so the last time we saw it was when we rented it from Netflix. It's not one of my favorites, completely independent of the fact that it has Kate Bosworth in it (eww), but I don't hate it either.

Basically, it details the journey of a smarty pants math genius living in Boston (who is neither good nor Will Hunting.) He gets in with a band of card-counting students led by professor Kevin Spacey (who successfully negates the Bosworth drawback) who travel to Vegas and win lots of money at Blackjack. I know counting cards isn't illegal, but the fact they you can get the crap beaten out of you for it is a testament to the rigging of the modern casino. Winning too much? Cheater! What happens if you're just really smart and accidentally count cards? That doesn't happen? Oh.

Anyway, things start going great for him. Money, women (er... Kate Bosworth), and limo rides abound. He's graduating MIT, heading to Harvard Med, and now has the money to pay for his education. Granted, his nerdy best friends now hate him and kick him off the science project team, but whatevs.

Then he sleeps with Kate Bosworth and everything starts to fall apart. I repeat, he sleeps with Kate Bosworth and it all falls apart. Coincidence? He gets his face beaten up by casino security guy Laurence Fishbourne, has all his money stolen from him by Kevin Spacey, and finds out he can't graduate. Time to get revenge...

All in all, it's not a horrible movie. Predictable and traditional in its plotline? Absolutely. Stunning cast of quality actors? Not exactly. So, only watch this one for enjoyment (and to watch the pole dancers in the nightclub, if that's your thing.) Otherwise, it's not really action or adventure, it just is what it is. Entertainment purposes only.


  1. It was almost a good movie. If it had lost about a half hour (i.e. the entire Kate Bosworth romance storyline) it could have worked as a fast and fun little movie.

  2. Kate Bosworth is the root of all evil.
