Twenthieth Century Fox
2009 - Rated PG-13 - 2 hr 42 min
Director: James Cameron
Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Giovani Ribisi, Joel Moore
I have a feeling there's going to be some backlash about the following comments... but oh well.
Avatar is many things... James Cameron's CGI dream world, a commentary on Americans' total disregard for ecological fragility, a visually pleasing attempt at racking up Oscars in art director etc, a romance for giant nerds, and largely overrated.
Yup, I said it. I think Avatar is overrated.
Now, before you start attacking me (Fong), hear me out. I really, really enjoy watching this movie. It's pretty to look at, the actors are great, the CGI unbelievable, and even the concept is very unique. The whole human-to-Avatar-body connection could probably be better explained, but it's not really necessary. The point is the concept - it's just cool. Something we probably wish we could do (and so much more exciting than Surrogates). Anyway, there's lots of action, gorgeous rolling hills, even a nice little love story.
But the number of people who said "You. Have. To. See. Avatar." to me was insane. I thought this movie was going to change my life eternally. Maybe I'm just not getting it.
Not to be nit-picky, but there were a few things that drove me insane about this movie. First of all, they're drilling and ripping apart this gorgeous planet for an element called UNOBTANIUM. Oh, really? Does that mean it's unobtainable? James Cameron, you clever bastard, you. If we're calling it that, why don't we just forget about calling the planet Pandora (actually, that right there, myth-o-philes, is a pretty obvious allusion). Instead, so everyone else gets it, why don't we just rename it Rainforestia?
Also, did anyone else notice that this movie is just a CGI version of Disney's Pocahontas, with elements of Ferngully? Except, instead of Native Americans or fairies, we've got blue aliens. Giant. Blue. Aliens. Who use their hair extensions as power cords to plug into their animals.
Alright, alright. I really do like this movie, I just get frustrated when directors get preachy or audiences go nuts over some pretty pictures. Good movie. End of story.
Actually I would say it's more "Dances With Wolves" in space than "Pocahontas" but then again that's a Disney movie I've purposefully skipped. It's one of those films that really was an experience in the theater and that's what made it great. To examine it or look at it on paper (or probably even on a home theater) it starts to crumble. I know there's a ton of issues with it, but for me it just worked... "Titanic" kinda had the same thing going.