Saturday, March 26, 2011

Movie #329 - Jumanji

1995 - Rated PG - 1 hr 44 min
Director: Joe Johnston
Starring: Robin Williams, Kirsten Dunst, Bonnie Hunt, Jonathan Hyde, Bradley Pierce, Bebe Neuwirth, David Alan Grier, Patricia Clarkson

This movie is another classic, although I'm not really sure how that happened.  An evil boardgame traps its players and unleashes African animals and assorted disasters at every turn.  Players can even get sucked into Africa and then spit them back out, like, 20 years later.  Yikes. 

After the movie came out, they actually made this a board game.  People want to play this?!  Ok, I know, it's not real.  But if it's not as terrifying, is it as fun?

Back to the movie... which has some lame CGI animals.  But it was the 90s, so some allowances have to be made. I guess for it's time, the special effects were top-notch.  What I can say for this movie is that the premise is original and it brings you on a fun adventure.  A great movie for kids, not necessarily adults, but if you grew up watching this one, it strikes a nice sentimental note.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure this was a book first - I remember having the book (I don't know if I still do) and then thinking it was cool when it came out as a movie. But that was also 20ish years ago, so I could be wrong.
