Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Movie #323 - Jersey Girl

Jersey Girl
2004 - Rated PG-13 - 1 hr 42 min
Director: Kevin Smith
Starring: Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Raquel Castro, Jennifer Lopez, Jason Biggs, George Carlin, Stephen Root, Mike Starr, Will Smith

Despite a quote that says so on the back of the DVD, I don't think this is "Kevin Smith's greatest film yet."  While it's nice that someone thinks so, that claim belongs to Dogma.  But this film -- as a classic troubled family man rom-com type deal -- has a much wider appeal than just jaded Catholics, so I can see how some might laud this as his best.


The truth is, his characters have weird names that sound silly.  The relationships are a bit flat.  And Liv Tyler's just not as sexy as she thinks she is.  Although many applaud J Lo's early death in the film, cuz hey J Lo's gone, this film had the potential to become another Gigli and fast.  George Carlin does what he can to save the movie and Will Smith's cameo as himself is pretty funny. 

But no, it's not Smith's greatest film.  It's a mediocre attempt at the "main stream."  Even Zac and Miri Make a Porno was more entertaining.


  1. It's not great but it's better than most of his fans will admit to. There's quite a few great little moments, they're just too spread out for it to work as well as it could have.

  2. It this movie were from anyone but Kevin Smith, I'd evaluate it differently. But compared to what I know he's capable of, the good moments are too few and too far between. I really *want* to like this one more than I do. I don't mind it, but it's not a favorite.
