Monday, February 14, 2011

Movie #238 - Good Morning, Vietnam

Good Morning, Vietnam
1987 - Rated R - 2 hr 1 min
Director: Barry Levinson
Starring: Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker

Dude, Forest Whitaker is wicked young AND wicked thin in this movie.  It's weird.

Youth and fitness aside, this movie's not exactly a feel-good comedy, you know?  Robin Williams is funny, but you won't walk away from this going, "Wow! Thank God comedy saved the day!"  The ending is a bleak as the war the movie documents, so I guess at least it's fitting.

That aside, Williams is incredible in this movie, almost like he's playing himself on camera.  According to the DVD case, this is "the role he was born to play" so it seems the critics agree.  And his performance is what makes this one special. Comedy almost saves the day, and on a small scale (in the lives of these soldiers) it did make a difference.  If you focus on that, it's a little heartwarming after all.


  1. I don't think that Williams was ever able to balance comedy and drama again as well as he did it here.

  2. Very well said. I agree completely :)
