Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Movie #364 - The Animatrix

The Animatrix
2003 - Rated PG-13 - 1 hr 42 min
Directors: Peter Chung, Andy Jones, et al
Starring: Akio Ohtsuka, Clayton Watson, Pamela Adlon

I know, with a name like Animatrix, who would guess this movie is animated scenes inspired by The Matrix. Shocking, huh?

Yes, it is written by the creators of the famed trilogy. And yes, it does involve some of the familiar characters of the same trilogy.  Trinity is as kick-ass animated as she is embodied by Carrie-Anne Moss.  But mostly, this series of 9 animated shorts tells the other stories about the matrix universe, including how it all got started.

If you're a fan, it's a must-see.  Especially because it is by the creators, not some knock-off fan fiction or something.  You'll learn more about the world and history of the Matrix and you'll meet some equally interesting characters.  If you only like the Matrix for Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, or the special effects... you can probably skip this one.  None of those appear in this compilation.


  1. I remembe when this first came out and everybody was so excited for the sequels... Until they actually saw the sequels.
