Monday, November 22, 2010

Movie #85 - Blues Brothers

Blues Brothers
Universal Pictures
1980 - Rated R - 2 hr 13 min
Director: John Landis
Starring: John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Cab Calloway, Carrie Fisher, lots of famous musicians...

I'm going to come right out and say it.  This is a movie from another era, one that can be held on a certain pedastal and withstand the test of time.  It's a classic movie with a loyal band of followers and, to them, it's awesomeness will never waiver.  Like Caddyshack.

But to me, it's not as impressive.  I fully admit that I don't admire it the way that most do, and I know that probably makes me wrong in some way.  The premise is kinda weak, with most of it just an elaborate excuse to string together seemingly unrelated "music videos."  It is funny how seriously the Brothers (and the actors who play them) take themselves.  As a comedy, I can certainly appreciate it's integral part in our society's evolution toward really funny comedies... But a lot of it gets lost on me. Ray Charles shooting at customers in his music shop, however, that's just funny stuff.

I did learn a few things, however, by watching this film.  The first is that my husband learned to dance by copying Elwood Blues.  The second is that Aretha Frankin can NOT dance any better than either of them.  And the third is that there's a lot of musicians I'm expected to know on sight that I just don't know. 

If you're reading this and you love this movie the way it's meant to be loved, I apologize to you.  These classics are supposed to be treasured. I get that. But to me, it just doesn't hold my interest.

1 comment:

  1. Since you acknowledge that you just kind of don't get it I won't rip into you on this one.
